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    A Fully Cultivated Experience!


    Hear It From Our Customers

    I'm smiling real hard! I'm RELEASING ALL THINGS THAT don't SERVE ME! The scale is moving in the RIGHT direction! I started this 90 days at 333lbs and 2 weeks of it I wasn't so great. Now I’m at 317 lbs. I'm always recommitting. I just need to STAY COMMITTED TO ME! Work in progress!

    A lot of non-scale victories...endurance is higher! Inches are leaving....when I look at myself naked I can see the changes. I've been intentional about moving my body daily with one rest day a week. I have fallen in love with bike riding!

    My bones do not feel so weird, I do not have tingling in my arms like I used to, I am really enjoying learning about my body. And I listen to my body as to when and what to eat. It's absolutely fascinating! Thanks, Qiana for this support! This is definitely a great journey

    Girl u are so on point! Giving up and going back to the norm or pushing through. I've been so dang ole back and forth it's ridiculous! But Giving up is what I WON'T DO!

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